Zen Earth Corp has developed a safe and effective product called Well Optimizer A and B. As the name implies, it has been formulated to optimize your well’s performance, resulting in reduced production costs, maintained production rates, while extending reserves.
Now, you may be wondering, what is a well optimizer? And, why would I need it?
Let’s start by talking about the natural conditions that occur during routine well operation.
As our energy industry has become more dependent on heavier fractions of crude, oil and gas, there are a number of factors causing declines in well production volume. Two significant factors are the existence of paraffin wax and asphaltenes. Both naturally occurring conditions cause wellbore blockages, resulting in reduced flow and overall output.
In the past, it’s been challenging and costly for companies to find a reliable solution for treating paraffin and asphaltene at the same time, without causing additional problems.
This is no longer the case!
Zen Earth Well Optimizer A and B is a revolutionary new two-step product developed to successfully treat paraffin and asphaltene at the same time. Several case studies have proven that our product not only effectively removes paraffin wax and asphaltene from the well, it also restores the balance between basic and acidic elements, protecting the well from future asphaltene redeposition.
The outcome? Blockages are removed, resulting in increased flow volumes and overall output.
The best part is that the active ingredients in all Zen Earth products are combinations of various readily biodegradable plants and naturally occurring minerals. Zen Earth’s proprietary, renewable, chemical/mechanical process has created a truly unique product that is safe for human use and for the environment.
To find out more about our safe and effective well optimizer product, read the white paper for Paraffin and Asphaltene and the Well Optimizer product brochure.
To request a quote for this or any of our other products, complete the Request a Quote Form, and a Zen Earth representative will contact you.
For any other inquiries, complete the Contact Us form, and a Zen Earth representative will contact you.